Our ‘gentle dental’ methods

Identifying your fears is also a big part of managing anxiety. Please let us know how you are feeling, so we can find appropriate pathways in order to make you feel better. It is our mission to help you feel safe, comfortable and relaxed.

Together we can conquer your dental fears. Remember, our compassionate and considerate staff members are always here to help. We can help ease your anxieties via a range of methods:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation – safe, odourless, non-irritating ‘laughing gas’ which induces a euphoric feeling in your body.
  • Oral sedation/light sedatives – prescribed by our dentists or your doctor.
  • Pleasant environmental distractions – Foxtel television entertainment streaming on LCD monitors for you to watch during your treatment, squeeze balls and noise-cancelling state-of-the-art Bose QuietComfort Bluetooth headphones.